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Gilla svenska Gulahund

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Gulahund in media

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July 2, 2012

  • Sweden. Gulahund in the latest number of the Swedish Online-Magazin Hundens Värld. A free magazin for all dog owners.

July 9, 2012

  • Sweden. ”Gulla inte med gula hundar”, an article with Nathalie Norberg about Gulahund, local Sundsvalls newspaper online. 
  • Sweden. ”Gult på kopplet betyder stopp”, Local Swedish radio P4. An interview with Nathalie Norberg, and an article, P4 Västernorrland.

July 10, 2012

  • Sweden. ”Vad är Gula hund för något?”, an interview with Maria Ahola in an article in the local news paper Uppsala Nya Tidning.
  • Sweden. ”Gula hund sprider sig som en löpeld”, Local paper the Helsingborgs Dagblads online-news,

July 13 2012

  • Sweden. Ulla-Britt Östlund in an live interview on Swedish Radio, Vaken.
  • Sweden, ”Gulla inte med gula hundar”, TT – Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå, Scandinavians largest Newspapers’ Telegram Bureau is interviewing Maria Kjerstadius, TT-Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå.
  • Sweden. ”Gulla inte med gula hundar”, an article in one of the Swedish largest newspaper, Online article
  • Sweden. ”Därför bär hunden gult band” – Motala Vadstenas Tidning. An article in a local paper with Pirre Andersson.
  • Sweden. ”Gulla inte med gula hundar”. an article in one of the Swedish largest newspaper, Dagens Nyheter.
  • Sweden. ”Gul hund betyder inget gull”, ”Ska spridas i hela världen”. Local Swedish radio P4 Blekinge and P4 Sweden with Maria Ahola. P4 Blekinge and P4 hela Sverige.
  • Sweden. Maria Kjerstadius in a Radio interview at Radio Sweden, Radiohuset podcasts (Ca 20 minutes in the program)

July 15, 2012

  • Sweden. ”Gulla inte med gula hundar”, Swedish tabloid Expressen TV
  • Sweden. An article in the local newspaper Trelleborgs Allehanda.
  • Sweden. ”Gula hund – inte dumt”, An article in the regional newspaper Västmanlands Läns Tidning.

July 16, 2012

  • Iceland. The Icelandic Kennel club links to Gulahund’s website, HRFI.

July 17, 2012

  • Sweden. ”Gula hundar”, A Radio interview and an article with Maria Ahola, Annan-Lena och Gunnel, at the Swedish Radio, P4 Uppland.
  • Sweden. An intervew with Maria Kjerstadius på Radiohouse’ podcast. The Swedish/Finish radio YLE Arenan.
  • Sweden. ”Kampanj ska ge hundar utrymme”, An article in the local paper Barometern Kalmar.

July 19, 2012

  • Sweden. Pirrko Andersson in a live interview at the local Swedish Radio, P4 Skaraborg.
  • Sweden. Maria Ahola in an interview in the local Swedish Radio, P4 Norrbotten.
  • Sweden. Pirrko Andersson in a radio debate with SKK at local Swedish Radio P4 Jönköping, P4 Jönköping.
  • Sweden. ”Med gula koppel får hundarna vara ifred”. An interview at the Swedish local radio P4 Östergötland.
  • Sweden. ”De strider om det gula bandet”, An online article in one of the Swedish’ largest new paper, Dagens nyheter. 

July 21, 2012

  • Sweden. ”Gulahund ska skapa distans”, An article with Susanne Franzén Sandberg, in the local newspaper, Norrköpings Tidningar.
  • Sweden. ”Strid om gula hundband”, An article in the local newspaper, helahä

July 22, 2012

  • Sweden. ”Var aktsam med de gula hundarna”, An article with Susanne Franzén Sandberg, local news paper

 July 23, 2012

  • Sweden. Pirrko Andersson in a live interview with Erik Blix, P4 Extra Sommar.
  • Iceland. ”Hundar merktir gulu þurfa meira pláss”, An article in the newpaper
  • Iceland. ”Gulir hundar þurfa meira pláss”, An article in the newpaper online

July 25, 2012

  • Iceland. ”Sumir hundar þurfa meira svigrúm”An article in the newpaper online, Island.

August 2, 2012

  • Sweden. ”Gulmärkt hund behöver utrymmer”, Elin Mattson in an interview in the local newspaper helahä
  • Finland. ”Koirien keltainen varoitusrusetti käyttöön Ruotsissa”, Maria Ahola in an interview in the local newspaper in the Finish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat.
  • Sweden. ”Koirien keltainen rusetti saapui Ruotsiinj”. Maria Ahola in an interview in the Finish Radio in Sweden,

August 3, 2012

August 5, 2012

  • Sweden. A notice in the local newspaper, i Sala Tidning.

 August 15, 2012

  • Sweden. ”Gult band på kopplet betyder STOP”, An TV interview with Anki Rolfson at the local chanel TV4 Halland.

August 29, 2012

  • United Kingdom. ”Some dogs needs space”, An article online at the news site Yoursourcetoday.

August 31, 2012

  • Slovakia. About Gulahund on National TV evening news, Noviny. Ca 4 minutes in the program.
  • Sweden. ”Gula hund”, Malin Björefalk has written an article in the local paper, Kristinehamns Aktuellt, nr 8, Augusti.
  • Sweden. Frigångarna på Tjörn supports the Gulahund, Local newspaper in Tjörn, AnnonsNytt.

September 13, 2012

  • USA. ”Yellow Ribbons for Dogs That Need Space”, An article at the Regal Pet.

September 18, 2012

  • Germany. ”Gelbe Schleife kennzeichnet Hunde, die mehr Freiraum wollen”. An article and TV spot at, with Elena Wende, Gulahund’s Ambassador in German, Gelber Hund braucht Freiraum.

September 26, 2012

  • USA. ”Yellow ribbons on dogs mean stay back”. An article by Nancy Celani Baker at, Savannah Morning New.

October 2, 2012

  • Sweden. ”Se upp för Gulahund”, A notice in the dog Magazine Härliga Hund, nr 10 2012.
  • Sweden, Norway, Danmark. ”Vissa hundar behöver mer plats”, Canis, Scandinavia’s largest dog magazine, nr 5/12.
  • Sweden, The vet Christophe Bujon tells about Gulahund, in the Swedish TV chanel TV4. Nyhetsmorgon. Ca 9 minutes in the program.

October 3, 2012

  • USA, ”Finally, a sign for pets in a doggone bad mood”, An article at

October 18, 2012

  • Norway, ”Gi plass til gule hunder”, An article at the local newspaper, Fredikstad blad.

October 9, 2012

  • Germany, Abstand gewünscht: Aktion ”Gelber Hund”, An article at

October 20, 2012

  • Norway, ”Advarer mot gule hunder”, An article in the local newspaper,

October 21, 2012

  • Norway, ”Se opp for gule hunder” Den gule hund skal hjelpe hunden, ikke hundeeieren.” An interview with Gulahunds Ambassador Mimmi Engh, in the local newspaper,

October 22, 2012

  • Norway. ”Noen ord om gule sløyfer, hunder og mennesker”. The Norwegian organization NAS supports the Yellow Dog,,

January 27, 2013

  • Norway. ”Gul sløyfe = hold avstand, An article in the largest Norwegian newspaper,
  • Brazil. An article with Ulla-Britt Östlund, in the Animal Magazine, Cães & Cia.

January 29, 2013

  • Norway. Gulahunds Ambassador in the morning sofa in Norways largest TV-chanel, TV2. With her is also the welknown TV-vet Silje who really supports Gulahund.
  • Norway. ”Hold avstand, takk, Ser du hunder med gule bånd skal du holde avstand.” An article at the online-newspaper. We at Gulahund think there picture is hilarious. Were is the space?!

January 30, 2013

  • Ireland. Yellow dog – Ireland, The vet Pete Wedderburn tells about the purpose of Gulahund, morning TV,  TV3.

March 1, 2013

  • USA. TV-spot about Gulahund, local TV KTBC FOX 7.

April 6, 2013

  • Switzerland. 2 pages, an interview with Gulahund’s Swiss Ambassador, Animals magazine Tierwelt.

July 1, 2013

  • Switzerland. Gulahunds Ambassador in a interview at Tierisch TV.

August 1, 2013

  • Namibia. 1,5 pages about Gulahund, with the English Poster and information, PAKO – Paco Kids Magazine 12-2013.
  • Danmark. 3,5 pages, an interview with Gulahund’s Ambassador Helle Linding Paulsen in Danish Dog Magazine, Vi med hund 8/2013.
  • Sweden. Sweden’s largest weekly magazine, Allers, has a post about Gulahund.

Oktober 7, 2013

  • Germany. Gelbes Band: Konflikte unter Hunden auf einfache Art vermeiden, An article in the Local net news




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